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We really excel at tailor-making your trip to your needs. You may want to see certain species or visit particular parks, reserves or lodges. You may want a private plane or helicopter and high class car, or need to travel at a certain time of year. Tailor-making works whether you are an experienced traveler or trying out a wildlife holiday for the first time, wanting to enjoy a wildlife experiences as part of an occasion like a birthday, honeymoon or anniversary, or a busy executive in search of a short wildlife fix.

Have you always wanted to design your own tour but let someone else handle all the nitty gritty of organizing it? Do you run specialized tours where you'd like us to put them together for you? Keen birders, scuba divers, conservationists, volunteers, photographers, surfers, medical adventurers, hikers, bikers, historians and geologists – no matter what your specialty is, we can tailormake accordingly! We also offer unique tours which you're more than welcome to join us on!

Do you have a large family or group of friends that you would like to travel? Does your company want to run its own set of branded series tours? The NDAO-i-Travel tailormade services and charter team can do organize all of this for you, and more! Whether it be in an air-conditioned bus, a minivan or a 4 x 4 vehicle, we will tailor a tour for you to ensure that your dream holiday takes in everything you're expecting from it.

Our team of well-travelled and dedicated individuals will provide you with a detailed itinerary, suggested accommodation, professional, friendly service and all the support you need to make travelling in Madagascar an absolute pleasure.

Whether your party is made up of two or two hundred travelers, we'll pull something special out of the bag, just for you!

You can enjoy complete flexibility in planning and booking on all our tours for a truly customized Madagascar holiday that is in your budget and personal style. Traveling around a theme or exploring something in particular? Our tailor-made holiday experts are eager to assist in planning an experience that fits your requirements putting you in complete control of your next Madagascar holiday.

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Andohahela National Park. A crossroads between East and South

Andohahela National Park is in extreme southeastern Madagascar, and is composed of three non-contiguous parcels situated along the flanks of the Anosyennes Mountains. Andohahela spreads over 760 km² and contains the last dense and humid forests of the southern part of Madagascar. The Park is situated in the mountainous zone of the famous chains of Anosy, which is an obstacle for the trade winds and create a magic place of climatic contrasts making it possible to discover at the same time three different worlds: In the East, a wet tropical forest, in the West a semi-arid dry forest comprising thorny bush, and between the two, an intermediate zone being used as transition.

The best time to visit this area is between April and October. Climate can be quite different from one parcel to another. In the eastern side and in the Anosy range it is humid and hot, by contrast the western part is much dryer and it only rains a little bit from December to March. Temperatures are warm (20 to 27°) during all the year.

The rainforest section of the park offers the best lemur-viewing possibilities. The park has excellent trails and camping facilities. Malio, the rain forest portion (Parcel 1), is a good place to see the red-collared brown lemur (Eulemur collaris) and the southern bamboo lemur (Hapalemur meridionalis) during daytime hours, especially along the road to Col de Manangotry. It is also the only place to see the Andohahela sportive lemur (Lepilemur fleuretae), and a number of other species have been reported as well, including an unknown mouse lemur (Microcebus), Milne-Edwards’ sifaka (Propithecus edwardsi), aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis), and possible even some form of fork-marked lemur (Phaner), but these need to be confirmed. This area is a few hours drive by car from Tolagnaro (Fort Dauphin) and arrangements can be made through NDAO-i-Travel.

Ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) and Verreaux’s sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) can also be seen in the day in Ihazofotsy, the spiny forest portion of Andohahela (Parcel 2). Night hikes in this part of the park offer visitors the opportunity to view gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), gray-brown mouse lemur (Microcebus griseorufus), fat-tailed dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus medius), and white-footed sportive lemur (Lepilemur leucopus). Ihazofotsy can be reached by four-wheel drive vehicle either from Berenty Private Reserve or Tolagnaro (Fort Dauphin) in about three or four hours. The trip is a rewarding experience that takes the visitor through an attractive piece of southern spiny forest, lightly inhabited by scattered villages of the Antandroy (the traditional people of this region), but the road is very rough.

There is also an excellent trail through the transitional forest of Parcel 3 at Tsimelahy, located 8 km to the north of the main road to Amboasary (the route taken to go to Berenty). Although there are surprisingly few lemurs along this trail, it is a superb piece of transitional forest that includes baobabs (Adansonia spp.), Pachypodium spp., Alluaudia spp., and the triangle palm (Dypsis decaryi), a very distinctive species that is grown horticulturally in many parts of the world but is actually endemic to this very small transition zone. Botanically, this is one of the most interesting walks in the entire southern region of Madagascar, and it can be visited in two or three hours. The road is rough, but always passable with a four-wheel drive vehicle.

Watch more photos about Andohahela National Park here.